World Bonsai Olympic

“World Bonsai Olympic”

Juan Llaga has a great suggestion for the International Bonsai ArtFest 2021 – 1st. WORBAC Congress…

He suggests to conduct a competition from country team. Each country delegation can form a team to participate the bonsai design competition. The winner team will get interesting award such as refund of registration or air-ticket… or even free ticket to the 2nd. WORBAC Congress in China in 2022.

This is very possible, we are discussing within our committee to work out the technical issue such as the material, prize etc…..
So you are welcome with any ide or suggestion ! Let’s make it a unique funful, and unforgettable artfest !
I can suggest the same thing to be done in 2nd. WORBAC Congress 2022 in China as well.

This could be a start of a “Bonsai Olympic”…we can do this every two years. a new platform for friendly competition among bonsai talents around the world that can proudly represent their country


WorldBonsaiOlympic #IBA2021 #WORBAC #WORBACCongress

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